Saturday, February 12, 2011

Inside look at P90X: Interview with Joe Bovino

Hello P90X fans! Remember the guy Tony Horton describes as having triceps like "diamonds of gold" in the Shoulder and Arms DVD? That guy is lawyer and author Joe Bovino and he recently gave us the inside scoop on what the making of P90X was like.

Before participating in P90X, Joe had already tried out his friend Tony's previous program, P90, and while he said it worked, he didn't think it was strenuous enough. One day he ran into Beachbody president Jon Congdon at a gym in Los Angeles, who told him about a new, more challenging program called P90X. "He said they were trying to get a test group together and I should check it out. So I did," Joe explains. 

Off to a makeshift gym in Santa Monica Joe went, every day except Sunday, for 90 days. After driving 45 minutes from his office to the gym, he exercised along with 40 or 50 other people, sweating under Tony's guidance. "We were only allowed to miss three days of the 90. If you missed more than that, they could kick you out," Joe says.

The workouts they tried out were pretty much the same as those on the DVDs and Joe was satisfied with the challenge they brought. "It was fun, but it wasn't easy," he says.

Through P90X, he says he realized he could achieve a higher level of health and fitness. "I’m no spring chicken, and I’m single, so it makes sense to do whatever I can to feel and look great."  In fact, it motivated him to check out other methods. "I tried CrossFit recently and enjoyed that too, but I have a lot to learn about that method."

But that doesn't mean he's done with P90X. Joe started a new round in January. "I’m missing a few beers from my eight-pack and want them back."

Joe also joined multi-vitamin shop USANA. "I checked [USANA] out and they really do have the highest-rated multivitamins in the world. I was never a vitamin guy because the market is so unregulated and there’s so much BS. But this was legit."

"I take the vitamins and other products (Nutrimeal, Fibergy, Soyamax, Nutrition Bars, and the Rev3 energy drink) religiously now and recommend them to others."

1 comment:

  1. A Latina broke his heart! So he wrote a derrogatory book about them. Wow Jon! You went from an 7 to a -10.
